
Iran, Kazakhstan sign 5 cooperation agreements

TEHRAN, April 27 (NNN-XINHUA) — Iran and Kazakhstan reached Wednesday five cooperation agreements in various fields.

The memorandums of understanding cover cooperation in trade, tourism, sports and youths, as well as customs affairs, the Iranian official news agency IRNA reported.

Iran’s First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber and visiting Kazakh Prime Minster Alikhan Smailov attended the signing ceremony in Tehran, said the report.

Iran: Senior Shia cleric on Assembly Of Experts shot dead at bank

BABOLSAR (Mazandaran, Iran), April 27 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A senior Iranian Shia Muslim cleric and member of the powerful Assembly of Experts has been killed in a gun attack in northern Iran, state media report.

Ayatollah Abbasali Soleimani died in hospital after being shot at a bank in Babolsar, in Mazandaran province.

Its governor said the attacker, who has been arrested, was a bank security guard and that the motive was unclear.

Ayatollah Soleimani was one of 88 clerics on the Assembly of Experts, which appoints the Supreme Leader.

Iran condemns German officials' "meddlesome" remarks on ringleader's death sentence

TEHRAN, April 27 (Xinhua) -- Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman on Thursday condemned certain German officials' "meddlesome and tyrannical" remarks about Iran's upholding of the death sentence of the Tondar (Thunder) "terror" group's ringleader.

Nasser Kanaani made the remarks in response to the calls from a number of German officials for the reversal of the ruling against Tondar group's ringleader Jamshid Sharmahd, who has a dual Iranian-German nationality.

Iran says diplomat jailed in Belgium to be freed in prisoner swap

26 Apr 2023; MEMO: An Iranian diplomat sentenced to 20 years in jail in Belgium is set to be released in a prisoner swap between Brussels and Tehran, Iran's judiciary announced on Wednesday, Anadolu News Agency reports.

At a weekly press conference in Tehran, judiciary spokesman, Masoud Setayeshi, said a deal has been finalised with Belgium on the transfer of prisoners and necessary documents have been prepared as well.

Iran: E-commerce accounts for 70% of postal traffic

Tehran, IRNA – The e-commerce commodities account for more than 70 percent of postal traffic in Iran nowadays, an Iranian official said.

Mohammad-Reza Ghaderi, the secretary of the scientific committee of the first edition of the international POSTEXPO, said on Monday that those active in e-commerce, are well aware that over 70 percent of postal traffic is allocated to e-commerce commodities, so the main duty of the post company is to provide e-commerce services.

Russia, Iran set for expansion of ties: Russian envoy

Tehran, IRNA – Diplomatic relations between Iran and Russia have grown to a new level in recent months as senior officials from the two countries shuttle between the Tehran and Moscow to hold talks and explore ways to further expand bilateral economic and political cooperation.

Iranian-Russian relations are of major significance especially considering the current geopolitical situation in the region and in the world.

Iran: Supreme leader says ultimate goal of US in starting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan was Iran, but it failed

Tehran (ISNA) – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces, met with Iranian commanders and senior military officials on Sunday during which, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that “the enemy can be defeated despite its seemingly solid calculations and military power.”

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his satisfaction with the continuous movement and progress that is taking place within the country’s armed forces, advising them to not be satisfied with any level of strength and progress and to advance forward without stopping.

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